For a high-quality connection at a low installed cost, count on
Blackburn® compression connectors and the reliability of the Color-Keyed coding system to make inspections and certified installations easier.
Color-Keyed Compression System
The Blackburn identification method uses compression tools with distinct, hexagonal, color-coded dies that compress connectors and conductors into a nearly solid configuration for an outstanding electrical bond.
High Conductivity
The Blackburn compression connectors, made of the highest-grade materials offering high conductivity/low resistance, meet or exceed all industry standards and can be installed with other commonly used tools with no loss of agency certification.
Customized Solutions
Blackburn's vast variety of customized compression connectors — angled, flared, trimmed, stacked, bi-metal, reducer, flag, tee, tapered, metric and more — can solve any installion issue.
Labor Savings
Our complete line of motor lead disconnects, the fastest and safest in the business, reduce down time by 50% while boosting installation and operational safety.